Artist Statement
Through my art, I explore aspects of my life that have labeled me as broken. I study my own faults to better understand how these "downfalls" might have made me a better person. Humans are fundamentally flawed, broken or hurt; but it is important as individuals to have value. This work is me displaying my flaws to inform viewers how these faults have shaped who I have become.
I grew up with dyslexia, mixing up similar letters, numbers and spelling phonetically. I always thought that something was wrong with me. I struggled to keep up in school and always lied about my reading. Throughout my entire pre-college career, I never read a complete book by myself. Gaps in my education were created, gaps I filled with creative play, building and making.
I deal with my personal struggle of being forgotten and swept under the rug by the American education system. My frustration with schooling only fueled my passion for creativity resulting in this selection of recent works. Flaws make us all human, it is about time we do not pull ourselves down because of flaws, but rather hold up our mistakes and display them as beautiful struggles.